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Human Foods You Can (Safely) Feed Your Bulldog

As much as a new English Bulldog owner tries to resist those wrinkles and those doting eyes, it’s inevitable that we’ll feed our bulldog table scraps at one point or another during their life.


... but my mommy baked these for me!

It’s important to know the foods that can be safely shared with your bulldog to ensure your food sharing is done without harming the health of your dog. It’s also important to remember that when sharing food with your dog, it should not become a habit, or something you dog expects to receive every time you eat. Providing your bulldog with safe and healthy human food is a great way to bond with your dog and show them you care about their health and happiness!

Sweetgrass English Bulldogs has published a list of foods that you should never feed your dog. You can find a list of those foods HERE.

Below is a helpful list of foods that your bulldog can safely eat:

1. Nut & Vegetable Oils:

Fish Oil for Dogs

This includes coconut oil, which many people claim has tremendously

helped the condition of their dog’s skin! When adding oils to your dog food, it’s important to remember that moderation is key – many dog foods already contain omega 6 fatty acids and supplementing your dog’s food with oil can lead to weight problems. However, many dog diets contain low levels of omega 3 fatty acids, so it’s beneficial to add low levels of fish oil to your dog’s food! Always use caution when adding supplements to your dog’s food. Start with small quantities and work your way up to ensure your dog doesn’t have any adverse reactions.

2. Fresh Fruit: The only exception to this rule is grapes and raisins… those are off limits to all dogs because of potential issues with kidney failure after ingestion. It’s also important to note that many fruits contain high levels of sugar, so always give fresh fruit in moderation and use as a treat or reward. However, if you’re bulldog seems interested when you’re eating bananas, pears, apples, peaches, or watermelon – go ahead and share some with your furry friend!

3. Fresh/Canned/Frozen Vegetables: Do not feed your bulldog onions, garlic, or leeks as consuming high amounts of these can lead to anemia. However, if you’re chopping other veggies and one accidentally (we use the term “accidentally” loosely) falls on the floor, don’t feel you need to rush over to pick it up before your bulldog gets to it. Fair warning – when dogs consume raw vegetables, you may notice increased gas because bulldogs have a much shorter GI tract than humans and cellulose-containing veggies can be a slight digestion challenge. Vegetables given in small quantities won’t cause health issues beyond increased gas.

Editor’s Note: Many bulldogs don’t care for the taste of vegetables so don’t be alarmed if your baby isn’t interested in it. One of dogs is OBSESSED with lettuce, while the others don’t want anything to do with it. Veggies can also be cut into individual servings and put into ice cube trays for a cool summer treat!

Spinach in Ice Cube Trays

4. Avocado: Do not feed your bulldog the pit of the avocado, but any other part of the avocado is completely fine. This is another item that should be given in small quantities because it contains high levels of fat and can cause weight issues in some dogs. It’s also known that birds (specifically parrots) cannot ingest avocado, so use extra caution if you have a flying friend living alongside your bulldog.

Editor’s Note: Use caution when giving your dog any form of guacamole – some of the ingredients, not including the avocado, may not be safe for consumption. Avocado can lead to stomach upset, so always feed in very small quantities.

5. Pumpkin & Sweet Potatoes: Many bulldogs have occasional constipation and can benefit from increased fiber in their diet. Before adding a fiber supplement to your routine, try using

Pure Pumpkin vs. Pumpkin Mix

pumpkin and sweet potato! Not only do they provide nutrition and much-needed fiber, they’re both great sources of Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Most dogs simply LOVE the taste of sweet potatoes and pumpkins! Of course, if you are using an actual pumpkin rather than processed, be sure not to give your dog any seeds, stems, or skin from the pumpkin. Both pumpkins and sweet potatoes can be roasted or boiled, then mashed for easy eating. Be sure to avoid “pumpkin pie filling” or “pumpkin pie mix” as it’s usually loaded with added preservatives and sugars that your bulldog doesn’t need.

Editor’s Note: Our babies LOVE organic canned pumpkin! You can also put smaller servings in an ice cube tray for a cool summer treat. Plus, if your dog experiences stomach upset or diarrhea, mashed/canned pumpkin has been known to alleviate some symptoms. It’s always a good idea for a bulldog owner to have a can or two of organic, mashed pumpkin on hand in case of tummy issues.

6. Plain Yogurt: Use caution when giving your dog any form of dairy for the first time – just like humans, some dogs are lactose intolerant and can’t properly digest dairy products. You’ll know if you dog is lactose intolerant if you notice increased gas and/or stomach upset after feeding dairy to your bulldog. When feeding your bulldog yogurt for the first time, be sure to use small quantities until you can gauge the level of tolerance by your bulldog. Avoid yogurt if you notice any level of gastrointestinal issues. If your bulldog tolerates yogurt, you can feed them anywhere from a teaspoon to a tablespoon at mealtime.

Editor’s Note: Yogurt is an AWESOME food to put into ice cube trays, freeze, and serve cold! Add a bit of honey, a bit of peanut better, or a few pieces of fresh fruit before freezing for an added treat!

7. Fish & Lean Meat: DUH – dog’s freeking love meat in any form, and most high-quality dog foods contain some form of meat as their first ingredient. A small piece of white meat chicken or turkey can go a long way when training your English Bulldog! Feel free to add small pieces of de-boned meat to your dogs’ diet, just remember that meat alone does not constitute a full and healthy diet for your baby.

8. Boiled White Rice: This is another obvious choice as most commercially available dog foods contain some form of rice/grains – they are crucial to your dog’s overall health after all.

Boiled, White Rice with no sauce, gravy, or butter

However, it’s important to note that rice should be given PLAIN, without butter, gravy, or sauce. Since rice is high in carbohydrates and calories, be sure not to over-feed your bulldog to keep them from being overweight. If you do use rice in your dog’s food, be sure to reduce the amount of food you feed in proportion to the rice. This is another food that should be given occasionally as a treat, so your dog does not expect rice every time he sees you with it.

9. Nut Butters: PEANUT BUTTER. Dogs love peanut butter. Did you know many dogs also enjoy almond butter? While you should never feed your dogs nuts of any kind, most types of nut butter are perfectly fine to give to your baby. When choosing a peanut butter, avoid ones with added sugar, and do not give your dog any peanut butter containing xylitol (artificial sweetener that is deadly for dogs to ingest) or added vegetable oils. This is another treat that should only be given sparingly because it contains a lot of fat.

BACK OFF, MOM. Nothing to see here....

Editor’s Note: Don’t be afraid to coat your bulldog’s medicine in peanut butter to help them eat it without questioning the contents. When giving your dog a bath, try putting a little peanut butter on the inside of your shower/bathtub to keep them from moving & to occupy them while your washing.


The information in this post expresses the opinion and recommendations of the owner of Sweetgrass English Bulldogs. This information should not be used as a substitute for professional veterinarian advise, and Sweetgrass English Bulldogs is not responsible or liable for any loss or damages as a result of implementation or instructions of the above article. Sweetgrass English Bulldogs is not a licensed veterinarian, does not claim to be, and the information contained in this article should not be accepted as such. Please use common sense and contact your veterinarian if you are concerned with issues affecting your bulldog.

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